Saturday, August 23, 2025
& Sunday, August 24, 2025

South Cariboo Garlic Festival History

Humble beginnings

Gail & Steve Szolosi

The first South Cariboo Garlic Festival was held in August of 2000. It was held at Kariboo Farms, owned by Gail & Steve Szolosi in Forest Grove, BC and the response to this first effort was overwhelming. Literally thousands of people showed up to enjoy the 2 day grass-roots event! It was a great learning experience and from this, the Festival again was held each year in in the same location through 2005.

In 2006, the Festival moved to Centennial Park in 100 Mile House as it had simply outgrown its original location near Forest Grove. Attendance had climbed dramatically over the years and it was now a major annual event in the South Cariboo.

the first garlic festival

As the Festival grew, Gail knew that it would soon be time to look for an organization to take over the Festival. She understood that "new blood" would be necessary to carry the event forward into the future.

In early 2010, the Lac La Hache Community Club assumed responsibility for the Festival. Under the leadership of its new Director, Jeanette McCrea and her capable team of volunteers, the South Cariboo Garlic Festival is moving ahead in its permanent new home on Highway 97.

2007 Logo Contest Winner

Kelly Thompson & Gail Szolosi

Kelly Thompson is the winner of the 2007 Garlic Festival logo contest. She designed the garlic characters in our logo. Kelly is shown here with Gail Szolosi, founder of the Festival. Thank you, Kelly! Your creation lives on!

llhcc community trail covered picnic area llhcc community trail under construction festival grounds

Lac La Hache Community Trail

Visitors can meander along the shores of beautiful Lac La Hache on the Low Mobility Trail. It was officially opened on August 25, 2012.

Roof Covered Main Picnic Area

One of the features of our Festival Grounds is a main picnic table area covered by a permanent roof. This is a great place for visitors to escape from the weather and enjoy their eats & treats during their visit to the Garlic Festival.

New Water System

We now have a modern water supply system to serve the needs of the Garlic Festival and other events on the Grounds. Jayco Plumbing manages the system for us.

Electrical System

To accommodate the growth of the Festival, we have upgraded the electrical system to energize additional vendor booths. Shawn Parkins Electric did their usual fine work on this installation.

Festival Directors — Past & Present

Teresa Wager Teresa Wager 2023 — Present
Jeanette McCrae Jeanette McCrea
2010 — 2022
Gail Szolosi Gail Szolosi
2000 — 2009